In light of the death of Stan Lee, I feel it pressing to do something creative in his honor, hence the start of this series of musings. I've been finding it hard to reach within myself and create any type of medium of art, especially writing, for the past year or tow. I'd like to blame it on a plethora of mental illnesses and my life feeling like it's going downhill, but in actuality it just boils down to a lack of motivation to do anything. Which makes it seem like an easy fix, all you would have to do is "just do", but it seems like even that is a hard skill to come by. I guess this is also my excuse/apology as to why I haven't posted since my "back from hiatus" post It's not that blogging doesn't interest me anymore, it's just that I've lost touch with myself and what I am. But I figured while I'm in this mojo, creating something is better than nothing, so I'll do my best to at least post a musing or two when I can until I find it within to write to the caliber I desire.
Another issue I've run into is what direction I want to take this blog. My younger, more passionate self valued anime, manga, J-Pop, and Japanese culture quite a bit. Which isn't to say that those things don't interest me anymore (I mean, I'm minoring in Japanese because I still hold those dear to my heart), but I think branching out and broadening my topic coverage will help motivate me to write. It's kind of like creating a no holds barred situation so that I can write whatever whenever, even though I technically could've done that anyways but the blog was following a theme and I'd hate to stray from it without notice.
That's really all I have to say for this first musing. To conclude, despite the lack of motivation to do anything, I'll do my best to overcome it enough so that hopefully I can get back into the swing of life and find myself again.
Another issue I've run into is what direction I want to take this blog. My younger, more passionate self valued anime, manga, J-Pop, and Japanese culture quite a bit. Which isn't to say that those things don't interest me anymore (I mean, I'm minoring in Japanese because I still hold those dear to my heart), but I think branching out and broadening my topic coverage will help motivate me to write. It's kind of like creating a no holds barred situation so that I can write whatever whenever, even though I technically could've done that anyways but the blog was following a theme and I'd hate to stray from it without notice.
That's really all I have to say for this first musing. To conclude, despite the lack of motivation to do anything, I'll do my best to overcome it enough so that hopefully I can get back into the swing of life and find myself again.