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Just an aspiring journalist and writer, trying to make life awesome the best I can.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

In the Name of the Moon:Sailor Moon Crystal Trailer Thoughts

So I was eating some Chinese take out and then it hit me like a plate of Kung Pao chicken, I didn't watch the new trailer for the new Sailor Moon Crystal!

Okay, I'll be completely honest here, I was jumping insanely in my seat throughout the entire video. The animation is really smooth and I love the colors. The art style really gives a really fresh new take on something so familiar.

My hope for this new series is that its more up to par with the manga series. Not to say that the original wasn't awesome, but I think it would be good if the new series pulls more elements from the manga. My suggestion is that they make the villains darker. The thing I loved about the manga is that the villains looked so sinister and like something I'd genuinely be afraid of.

But suggestion aside, I have a feeling that this new Sailor Moon will be undoubtedly awesome. I look forward to its debut on July 5th at 7:00pm. And do you want to know the best part about this debut? All of the new merchandise that will be released! Time to start saving for those collectibles.