Hello, and welcome to J-pop/K-pop Recommendation #2! For the past few days I've been going back and listening to all of the old J-pop and K-pop songs that I used to bust out into dance too (well, those of which I remember). And while searching YouTube, I came across the long forgotten TVXQ-Catch Me music video. Of course I did some intense freaking out because of the fact that I've completely pushed it's existence out of my brain. After that rediscovery, you could say that their songs have been on repeat and blasted for a good 2 days straight. Speaking of which, I would like to take a quick second and apologize to my family for torturing their ear drums with my extreme failure to belt out Changmin's super high scream of coolness. I love you guys, and sorry for filling the house with unintended, torturous-sounding whale screams!
Anyways, TVXQ first debuted in December 26, 2003 and at the time, included the members Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, Yunho, and Changmin. But due to a controversy that involved SM Entertainment's long term contracts, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu are now no longer involved with TVXQ.
But during the time when all 5 of the original members where still present, they produced two of my favorite songs Mirotic and Balloons. Now, I listened to Mirotic first and my first thoughts were "Sirs, your immense showing of skin is highly distracting...(not that it's a bad thing)". But it had a very serious and tough tone to it. So when I stumbled upon Balloons, I was shocked at the laid back aura and I almost passed out from a fangirl overload due to their cosplay. Despite my shock, it very quickly made it to my list of "feel good" K-pop songs.
Now adays, it's existing members are Changmin and Yunho. Even though it's just the two of them, they are still going strong and their songs Catch Me and Humanoids definitely shouldn't be overlooked.
TVXQ is definitely a group worth listening too and really hold an important place in K-pop history. Plus, did I mention that they have the biggest fan club in the world? That's gotta say something.
TVXQ-Catch Me (Coolest dance ever!)
Plus, check out the teaser to their new song TVXQ-Something