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Just an aspiring journalist and writer, trying to make life awesome the best I can.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

J-Pop/K-Pop Recomendation #1-DGNA

Members from Left to Right: Hyumin, Jay, Karam, Injun, and Mika
Hontouni Gomenasai!I know there's been a totally lack of activity lately, but my life has been extremely busy. I'll really try to write more often.

For about a year or two now i've been loving J-Pop and K-Pop. So I decided to share with you guys some of my findings. My very first J-Pop band which consisted of all guys is Daikoku Danji, or their Korean name Dae Guk Nam Ah (DGNA). Even though they debuted in Korea, their popularity seems to be most in Japan. DGNA is one of my all time favorites, and all of their songs are heartwarming and fun to sing and dance along too. I highly recommend them to anybody.

Here's a link to a video of their songs. Enjoy! =^_^=